Assistance with the Client’s Online Transactions for Delivery of Equipment from China to Poland

Entry data from the Client’s side:

The Client asked FinCraft about safe online transactions to pay for delivery of equipment imported from China. The dispatch services from Chinese locations to Europe take a lot of time and money. The issue was to help with fiat payment while the Client could provide crypto assets only.

The solution offered and applied from the FinCraft’s company side:

The Client was ready to pay in cryptocurrency. The task of the FinCraft team was to process the payment for the Client’s dispatching services for the provider of the cargo delivery from China to Poland got fiat. The following steps were undertaken by the professional team of our company:


The invoice was asked from the Client’s side.


The Client provided crypto assets as the applicable way for the planned transaction.


FinCraft formed and sent the payment confirmation in the form of an official paper to provide the Client with guarantees about the undergoing transaction.


The FinCraft financial specialists processed the transactions to pay fiat according to the banking details specified in the invoice.


The Client got the receipt to confirm that the Recipient received the required fiat amount.

Finally, all the parties stayed pleased with the result of the payment processing by FinCraft. This way, the Client’s crypto turned into fiat paid for dispatching services.