Asset Management for the Client (IT Company) Through Crypto-Fiat Transactions Held by FinCraft

Entry data from the Client’s side:

The Client asked FinCraft about competent assistance for asset management with possible crypto-fiat transactions. The CEO of the IT company needed a 100% safe and fast solution to provide employees with timely salaries. The issue was the ever-rising number of workers and limited fiat budgets of the business. Cryptocurrency could solve the necessity of funds for scaling up an IT company and all its planned payments.

The solution offered and applied from the FinCraft’s company side:

The Client has a crypto account with the opportunity to pay funds from the e-wallet instead of fiat. The task of the FinCraft team was to provide this IT company with efficient payment solutions where crypto as an alternative source of assets turns into salaries in fiat sent throughout the world to remote workers.

For this purpose, the following steps were undertaken by qualified specialists of our company:


The Client specified employees’ banking details to get ready with the information required for fiat salaries planned.


The Client provided crypto assets as the applicable way for the planned transaction. The required sum was sent to FinCraft for ongoing financial operations discussed and approved by the Client.


FinCraft formed and sent the payment confirmation in the form of an official paper to provide the Client with guarantees about the undergoing transactions.


The FinCraft financial specialists processed the transactions to pay fiat according to the banking details specified by the Client.


The Client got the receipt to confirm that employees received the required fiat amounts (salaries in the required currency got in the local banks worldwide).

Finally, all the parties stayed pleased with the result of the payment processing by FinCraft. This way, the Client’s crypto turned into fiat paid for workers’ services in the format of monthly salaries. It is worth noting that this Client works with FinCraft on a regular basis. The same algorithm with crypto-fiat transactions takes place every month.